Saturday, July 5, 2008


When we moved to Florida, we didn't realize that a "Bug Guy" was a necessity until there were spiders and Palmetto bugs and other bugs (oh my!). Our pest people have taken care of those annoyances inside and out. But, then there was yesterday....

Scott was looking out into the backyard, when I heard a vociferous, "OH MY GOD!!!" I raced to the door to see a 3-foot long, 2-inch diameter snake slithering on our patio!!!!! Scott grabbed his camera to document the event, and I grabbed my laptop to Google "snakes, indigenous, Florida." The snake checked out the grill, the drain spout, then wandered down the slope in the yard back to the forest preserve beyond the fence.

We compared the pictures to the websites, and sent the pictures off to our Florida native friends, and we believe we hosted a cottonmouth. Great, just great. Tonight when we went out to grill, there was much surveying of the area before proceeding.....

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